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Chapter 13 - "Epistolary"


<— Lizzie, Steve, Jack, Patty, Phil, Alex
        Group MMS

Warning! Long text!

Do you remember a joke I made once about
"Just an ordinary day with the Gorens"?

Things have taken a wild turn. I know you
remember Nicole Wallace, Bobby's "white
whale," as Captain Ross referred to her, and
what happened last year: first she tried to
convince him he fathered her child, and then
he was instrumental in having her arrested.

Then of course the State Department suits
overruled the FBI and sent her home with her
lover (and a bodyguard), but we did meet her
daughter, who is as sweet as her mother was

The reason we have been in Paris for the past
week is that Nicole and her lover were killed
in a car accident the day after Easter.

We were summoned here by Madame Pepin,
wife of Nicole's lover, and kept in the dark for the
reason until the will was read.

The least said about Madame Pepin the better;
she's a cold-hearted bitch that made nasty
Aunt Margaret look like a social worker.

There's a longer story attached to this, but the
short version is that Nicole left her own will
stating that if her daughter Mignon was ever
orphaned (she & her lover both died), she
wanted Bobby and I to be her guardians. Found
out the will was written last year after she
visited our home.

Between last year and our stay this week we
have become rather fond of her, and when we
found out that when she would be stuck in
Madame's house with just her nanny when
not at school or camp, we couldn't bear the
thought of leaving her behind (especially as
the current nanny, whom she trusts, is leaving
to care for her sister with MS).

So the gist of this long message is to tell you
that you have a new niece.

Just between us, I am absolutely terrified,
even after years of facing gunmen and coping
with bombs and serial killers. Looking after
Carlos and Ana for the weekend, babysitting
Sophie and Ella for an afternoon, and carrying
Eddie hasn't prepared me to be a full-time

We also know that, however calm Mignon
seems now, that could change once she's
away from the safe confines of a routine she
knows. Bobby has already obtained the name
of a child psychologist in our area. He said we
need to prepare for nightmares, acting out,
and depression, among other things.

I am not terrified enough, however, to leave
her in any hellhole that has Madame in it.

Madame has "connections" and so Mignon
will be returning home with us tomorrow.
We don't even have a room ready for her!

I have never said this in my life, but...pray for

. . . . .

<-- Lizzie, Alex
      Group MMS

Allie? You're sure about this?

Of course I am.

You've always hated that woman.

I still do. She's a murderer. She nearly ruined
Bobby's life. But I don't hate her child.

You're not doing this for Bobby's sake?

Cmon, Liz.

Then why?

...[Alex is typing]

Because of Sophie and Ella. Do you think I
could ever leave them behind?

They're family.

Eddie, then. Do you think if something
happened to you and Steve I would abandon

Still family, Allie.

Then Ana and Carlos, if you're going to be
like that, if their aunt and uncle didn't want

You haven't met Madame. It's like fucking
Jane Eyre here.

...[Liz is typing]

You know, I saw your face the day Eddie was
born. So did the nurse. For a few minutes I think
you were considering running off with him.

I was. All those hormones.

And Bobby would have covered for you.

Back then? No. I would have gotten a long

But he would have considered it.

...[Alex is typing]

Maybe he would have.


Date: April 16, 2023

To: Holly Lewin (

Subject: Book Tour Arrangements

From: Alex Eames (


That tour bus—please make sure it has a second, separate bedroom. Or a bunk room where some of the bunks can turn into a sofa, like I've seen in RVs.

It's a very long story—just giving you a heads-up now.



@TheDarkCrystal ☆☆☆☆ 1/2
Bar and Restaurant, Milbury, Connecticut
Closed Group


The Wizard (Robert O. Goren)
12 min

I usually don't post on the Crystal's Facebook page, leaving that to
more social media savvy heads (Hello, Timothy!) than mine. In fact,
I believe the last time I actually posted, except for perfunctory 2023
and 2022 New Year's messages, was to announce my marriage to the
inestimable Alexandra Eames.

Several days ago, Alex and I learned that an old friend of ours had
passed away after an automobile accident. Unfortunately, her partner
also died in the accident, leaving their nine-year-old daughter without
relatives or friends to care for her. To our surprise, we were informed
in the reading of our friend's will that she wished us to assume
guardianship of her child.

Needless to say, this has been a shock. As we told someone after
learning the news, Alex and I are "a couple of bachelors who found
each other again after ten years," with no childrearing experience. Alex
has had some experience with family, me only minimal experience at
Big Brothers, Big Sisters...but although we have only known this child
for a year, we already feel irretrievably attached to her.

So it is with great trepidation, but with happiness, that we announce our
household of two has become one of three, and we welcome Mignon
Olivia Pepin to the Dark Crystal family.

Our daughter has informed us that since she's starting a new life, she
would like to do so under a new name. She has asked us to call her
"Olivia." For all three of us, this is an unknown journey. "Le bonheur est
parfois cache dans l'inconnu."

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Timothy Stratton
Way to go! Looking forward to meeting your daughter!

Like     Reply     11 min


Richard E. Carver
Damn, man, you two are always full of surprises! Teej will enjoy spoiling
her. (Me, too.)

Like     Reply     11 min


Tilde Svenson
Congratulations, Bobby and Alex!

Like     Reply     9 min


Philip Cochran
Look what I started! Congrats!

Like     Reply     8 min


Alexandra V. Eames
And you will never let us forget it.

Like     Reply     7 min


Philip Cochran

Like     Reply     6 min


Elizabeth E. Hogan
Don't you two ever quit?

Allie, Bobby, can't wait to meet Olivia! Give her a big hug from her
Aunt Lizzie and Uncle Steve.

Like     Reply     6 min


John P. Eames Jr
Ditto from Uncle Jack and Aunt Patty!

Like     Reply     5 min


Carlos M. G. Serrano
Mr G this is so cool she's coming to BB Wednsday right? Love—

Like     Reply     5 min


Carlos M. G. Serrano
Sorry, Mr. G, Ana keeps sneaking on my Facebook account! NOT how
you spell Wednesday, Ana!

Like     Reply     4 min


Michael Logan
Sounds like my old guest room is gone forever—for the best of reasons.

Like     Reply     3 min


Olivia M. Benson
Congratulations, you two! You will never regret it. I will bring Noah by

By the way, tell your daughter she has great taste in names. ;-)

Like     Reply     3 min


Alexandra V. Eames
You can bring a friend, too. ;-)

Like     Reply     2 min


Olivia M. Benson
Not listening.

Like     Reply     1 min


Kashvi L. Chaudry PsyD MD
Judging from your support network, you will have no worries. I will talk to

you both on Wednesday.

Like     Reply     50 sec


Date: April 16, 2023

To: Robert O. Goren (

Subject: Adoption/Will Revision (was Will Revision)

From: Anthony A. Fessinden (

Dear Bob:

Received your email about your new daughter. Congratulations! Wouldn't trade my three for a seat on the bench.

I don't care how efficient she is, tell your boss lady and her State Department buddies to get a dedicated adoption attorney pronto. My investigator looked into your Madame Pepin—like any corporate CEO, she dots all her i's and crosses all her t's, and knows all the angles. Do not leave anything open to her or the shysters at Duplantix. Last thing you want once you've taken this kid in your heart is have Madame come up with some excuse to get her back because one of her corporate goons found out little Olivia is heir to some formerly unknown and very valuable bonds.

I can recommend three NYC-based attorneys, but if your Fed types want someone closer to home tell them Amanda Keynes. In a fair fight against your Jack McCoy, she'd win in a New York minute.

Bernadette, the person who really runs things around here, will get back to you later in the week about my appointment schedule. It will definitely be before you leave on the book tour.



. . . . .

Date: April 17, 2023

To: Anthony A. Fessinden (

Subject: RE: Adoption/Will Revision (was Will Revision)

From: Robert O. Goren (


I'll pass on the information to Penelope. Alex and I have found our own way of dealing with Madame.



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